Erotic art works and quotes by artist Auguste Rodin.
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Auguste Rodin




Francois-Auguste-Rene Rodin 1840-1917. French artist sculptor whose works are distinguished by their stunning strength and realism. Rodin refused to ignore the negative aspects of humanity, and his works confront distress and moral weakness as well as passion and beauty.1

Rodin on Art and Artists
    Art is contemplation. It is the pleasure of the mind which searches into nature and which there divines the spirit by which Nature herself is animated. It is the joy of the intellect which sees clearly into the Universe and which recreates it, with conscientious vision.
    The only thing is to see. The artist sees; that is to say, that his eye, grafted to his heart, reads deeply into the bosom of Nature. I see all the truth, and not only that of the outside. I accentuate the lines which best express the spiritual state that I interpret.
    Character is the essential truth of any natural object, whether ugly or beautiful... There is nothing ugly in art except that which is without character, that is to say, that which offers no outer or inner truth. There is nothing in nature which has more character than the human body. What we adore in the human body more even than its beautiful form is the inner flame which seems to shine from within and to illuminate it. There is really neither beautiful style, nor beautiful drawing, nor beautiful color; there is but one sole beauty, that of the truth which is revealed. Nature is always beautiful.
    But, to speak truly, all is idea, all is symbol. So the form and attitute of a human being reveal the emotions of its soul. The body always expresses the spirtit whose envelope it is. And for him who can see, the nude offers the richest meaning.
    The artist, full of feeling, can imagine nothing that is not endowed like himself. He suspects in nature a great consciousness like his own. There is not a living organism, nor an inert object, not a cloud in the sky, not a green shoot in the meadow, which does not hold for him the secret of the great power hidden in all things.
    The substance perishes, the flesh dies, but dreams and desires are immortal.
    True artists are the most religious of men. Religion is more tham the mumbling of a creed. It is the meaning of all that is unexplained and doubtless inexplicable in the world. It is the adoration of the unknown force which maintains the universal laws and which preserves the types of all beings; it is the surmise of all that in nature which does not fall within the domain of sense, of all that immense realm of things which neither the eyes of our body, nor even those of our spirit can see; it is the impulse of our conscious towards the infinite, towards eternity, towards unlimited knowledge and love - promises perhaps illusory, but which in this life give wings to our thoughts. Everywhere the great artist hears spirit answer to his spirit. Where, then, can you find a more religious man?
    Order reigns without doubt in the immensity of nature, but it is much more complex than man in the first efforts of his reason can represent it - and besides, it is eternally changing. Great works of art, which are the highest proof of human intelligence and sincerity, say all that can be said on man and on the world, and, besides, they teach that there is something more that cannot be known.2

2 Exerpts from Rodin on Art and Artists Conversations with Paul Gsell Translated by Mrs Romilly Fedden, 1983 Dover Publications, Inc.


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